Skill Level


Time to Make

30 mins

Adult Supervision


FREE Template


Summer Agamograph 
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Items you’ll also need

  • Scissors
  • Ruler

Top Tip

When you cut out the coloured-in templates into strips put them in the correct order so that the pictures match up correctly when you stick them down.

How to Make

Step 1

Summer Agamograph 

Step 2

Summer Agamograph 

Step 3

Summer Agamograph 

  1. Print out the templates provided.
  2. Colour in the templates using broad tip marker pens.
  3. Cut out the coloured templates along the black lines, into strips. As you cut out the strips, place them in the correct order to make the following steps easier.
  4. Stick the first strip of the jellyfish coloured-in template onto blue A4 card.
  5. Then stick the first strip of the beach template directly next to the first jellyfish template strip.
  6. Continue alternating and sticking the strips onto the A4 card.
  7. If you have any excess blue card cut it off.
  8. Begin to concertina fold along the lines where the alternating strips meet.
  9. Stand up the Agamograph and view it at different angles at eyelevel to see the optical illusion.