Felt Monster Pattern
Use our FREE felt monster pattern to make these super cute felt monster plushies! This no-sew monster craft is so fun and easy to make, perfect for fall, Halloween, or anytime.
Download one of our 7 different templates to create a felt monster, or design your own in your favourite colours! These DIY felt monster toys can be as scary or as sweet as you’d like, and they’re perfect for storytime or pretend play.
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How to Make a Felt Monster
- Free Printable Felt monster template(more patterns below!)
- Felt(colour of choice)
- Black felt
- White felt
- Fiber fill stuffing
- Googly eyes
Step 1: Find what you need
- Gather your supplies and materials.
Step 2: Print and cut out the free felt monster template
- Print off one or more of our free printable felt monster patterns. Find a link in the list above, or download different monsters below!
- Cut out all of the pattern pieces.
Step 3: Cut out the felt monster pieces
- Choose the colour of felt for the monster’s body. You’ll need 2 pieces of this felt, piled on top of each other.
- Trace the monster’s body onto the top piece of felt. We used a marker, but you can also use a gel pen or a chalk tracing pencil.
- Cut out the monster’s body, holding the layers of felt together carefully.
- Hold the monster’s mouth on top of black felt and cut it out.
- Cut the monster’s teeth from white felt. Make sure these tiny pieces stay in place while you’re cutting them. Re-adjust the tooth template, if necessary, before the second cut.
- Gather all the felt pieces and choose googly eyes for your felt monster.
Step 4: Assemble the felt monster’s body
- Separate the two parts of the monster. Before gluing the monster together, make sure that any marker lines are either cut off or pointed so they’ll be hidden inside the monster.Add glue from the glue gun close to the edge of the monster. Only add glue to a few inches of felt at a time, otherwise it will dry before you have a chance to put it together.
- Carefully press the second side of the monster body down into the glue, lining up the edges and connecting the two pieces of felt.
- Lift up the felt next to where you last added glue. Add another short line of glue close to the edge of the bottom piece of felt.Press the top felt down into the glue, again making sure the edges are lined up carefully.
- Continue connecting the two layers of felt, but be sure to leave a 1 to 2 inch opening so you can add stuffing.
- Make sure the glue is completely dry, then add stuffing to the monster, a small bit at a time.Be sure to push the stuffing into the small areas (like the feet and arms) and don’t overstuff the monster, or the glue won’t hold.Your felt monster should be stuffed so it’s fluffy and squishy, not hard and stiff.
- Add a line of hot glue to the opening where you added the stuffing.
- Press the layers of felt together and pinch the edge closed until the glue is dry.
Step 5: Add details to your felt monster
- Add hot glue to the back of the monster’s mouth.
- Place the mouth on the front of the monster. You can put it where the pattern suggests, or wherever you’d like!
- Glue the teeth on top of the mouth, and then add googly eyes.We used two different sizes of eyes for this monster, but you can decide what size you want to add (and how many of them!).
- Your felt monster is complete!
Helpful Tip:
Use a pencil or knitting needle to push the stuffing into small areas, like the arms, feet, and tentacles.
Can I sew these felt monsters instead of gluing them?
Absolutely! First sew the facial features onto your felt monster using a running stitch. Or you can use embroidery floss to embroider a simple face onto your monster.
Then you can easily sew the felt monster together by doing a blanket stitch or running stitch around the outer edge. We recommend using 3 strands of embroidery floss for the blanket stitch.
Download a free felt monster pattern:
Click on the links or images below to download our free, printable felt monster patterns! The PDF files will open in a new window. Then simply print the templates on 8.5 x 11 (letter size) printer paper.
>>> Horned Felt Monster Pattern #1 <<<
>>> Tentacle Felt Monster Pattern #2 <<<
>>> Arch Shaped Felt Monster Pattern #3 <<<
>>> Cyclops Felt Monster Pattern #4 <<<
>>> Octopus Felt Monster Pattern #5 <<<
>>> Antenna Eyed Felt Monster Pattern #6 <<<
>>> Ghost Felt Monster Pattern #7 <<<
What type of felt is used to make these felt monsters?
We used inexpensive soft craft felt to make our felt monsters. This worked well for us to keep this craft inexpensive while making a lot of monster toys.
Cheaper felt may pill if you play with it a lot, so you can also use wool felt. It’s more expensive, but it holds up better.
What size felt monster do these patterns make?
Our felt monsters range from 4-1/2 to 5-1/2 inches tall. And they’re between 3-1/4 inches and 4-1/2 inches wide. The exact size of your felt monster will depend on what type of horns, hair, and other details you add to them.
Do I have to follow the felt monster pattern exactly?
No, you can choose the pattern and shape of your monster, and then mix and match from there. Use the hair, teeth, and arms from another monster pattern, or even draw your own fins, horns, or spikes! Be sure to glue these pieces in-between the two layers of felt.
You can also cut circles or other shapes from felt to decorate your felt monster. Making monster crafts is so much fun, because you can make them look however you want!
What type of eyes should a felt monster have?
Follow our examples in the pictures, or decide on your own how many eyes your monster will have. You can use a lot of small eyes, one large eye, or a combination of different sizes! We like the look of googly eyes, but you can also cut eyes from felt!
What else can I add to my felt monsters?
We only used felt and googly eyes to make this monster craft, but there are lots of other things you can add! Try gluing on decorations like buttons, rhinestones, and/or pieces of ribbon! Your monsters can be as decorated or as simple as you’d like.
Get creative and use your imagination to design your own monster, or use one of our free felt monster patterns!
Mix and match different monster pieces, and create a whole family of these friendly looking DIY toys. They’re so easy to make, and kids will have so much fun making their own soft and cuddly plush!

Here’s even more fun fall craft ideas:
Our book Low-Mess Crafts for Kids is loaded with 72 fun and simple craft ideas for kids! The projects are fun, easy and most importantly low-mess, so the clean up is simple!
Where to buy:
You can purchase Low-Mess Crafts for Kids from Amazon, or wherever books are sold:
Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Books-A-Million | Indiebound | Amazon Canada