Tag: low mess crafts
DIY Twinkling Paper Roll Christmas Village: A Festive Craft Idea
This little paper roll Christmas village mysteriously disappeared, pretty much right after we made it the other day. I swear, I looked away for 2 seconds and my 3 year old had run off with everything – including all of the battery operated tea lights. He called me into my dark master bedroom closet a few minutes later, and he had set up a glowing little Christmas village on my closet floor. The little guy was so proud! He told me to sit on the floor, shut the door behind us and asked me which house I want to live in. Melt my heart, it was so cute!
DIY Pinecone Owls: How to Make Cute Woodland Crafts
Don’t you just LOVE easy crafts!? Not only are these pinecone owls completely adorable and fun — They are also sooooo easy to make! Warm up your glue gun and by the time you’ve cut out the pieces, you’ll be nearly done. You can make about 3 or 4 of these pinecone owls in about 10 minutes!
Straw Weaving Instructions | How to Weave with Drinking Straws and Yarn
How to Finger Knit | Easy Finger Knitting Instructions
Finger knitting is so easy! And it’s so fun! It’s sooooo much easier than regular knitting. And you can actually make something from beginning to end in less than 10 minutes. OK, so we’re only making bracelets, necklaces and headbands here, but out of all the time I’ve spent knitting with my girls, we still haven’t actually finished anything. Not even a Barbie blanket. (lol We’ll get there some day…)
Pom Pom Dragons Inspired by How to Train Your Dragon
How to Make Paper Spiderwebs
These paper spiderwebs are one of those crafts that’s crazy simple to make. We’ve all made paper snowflakes before, but have you ever made paper spiderwebs? They’re so easy that I’m kind of shocked that this isn’t more of a thing!?