Santa painted rocks with paint bottles and paint brush

Santa Painted Rocks

Santa rocks (literally)! These Santa painted rocks are SO CUTE and super simple to make! Paint these charming Santas on flat stones using acrylic paint, then add in the finer details with a paint pen. It’s an easy, kid friendly Christmas craft — perfect if you’re just getting into rock painting!

Tuck these Santa Claus painted rocks into planters, leave them as festive surprises for others, or gift them to the Santa fan in your life. They also make adorable paperweights, or you can display them in a shadow box for some holiday cheer!

Santa painted rocks with paint bottles and paint brush

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How to Make Santa Painted Rocks

Have fun making these festive Santa painted rocks! It’s such a great rock painting craft for beginners, and super easy for both kids and adults.
Looking for more painted rock crafts? Here’s a few of our favourites:Painted Owl RocksBag of Bones Halloween Painted RocksRock Photo Holders


Step 1: Find what you need

  • Gather your supplies and materials.
    Santa Painted Rocks Supplies

Step 2: Paint your rock white

  • Paint one side of your rock white. Let it dry, then paint the other side.Repeat, adding 2 to 3 coats of white paint total (until you’re happy with the coverage).
    Rock being painted white

Step 3: Paint Santa’s hat and face

  • Paint the top 1/3 of your rock red. Remember to paint both the front and back.
    Painting red on white rock
  • Paint a small peach coloured oval in the middle of the rock (on one side only). Make sure you leave a strip of white paint between the red and the peach. This is Santa’s face.Allow the paint to dry.
    Red, white, and peach painted rock
  • Paint a round red nose at the bottom center of the peach oval, overlapping into the white a bit.
    Red, white, and peach painted rock
  • Draw 2 eyes in the peach oval using a black paint pen.(If you feel comfortable using a fine tip paintbrush you can use regular black acrylic paint.)
    Drawing eyes on rock painted like Santa
  • Draw a smiley mouth just below the nose.
    Drawing smile on rock painted like Santa

Step 4: Add a pom pom to the hat

  • Add hot glue to a small white pom pom. Press it to the top of the red painted section, finishing off Santa’s hat.
    Adding pom pom to Santa rock hat
  • Your Santa painted rock is complete!
    Santa painted rock

Helpful Tips:

  1. Acrylic paint pens come in many different sizes. Keep this Santa painted rock craft low mess by using larger paint pens for the base colours as well!
  2. Add some sparkle to Santa’s beard or hat! Simply brush a thin layer of glue or Mod Podge overtop of the dried paint and sprinkle with glitter. Allow to dry and shake off the excess glitter.

Holding a Santa painted rock

What kind of rocks should I use for these Santa painted rocks?

Flat, smooth rocks work best for rock painting. You can gather rocks yourself (be sure to wash and dry them!), or you can buy them at your local dollar store, craft store, or on Amazon. You can also buy rock painting kits!

“Caribbean beach pebbles” work really well for rock painting. If you’re looking for a larger quantity of rocks you can find them at landscape supply stores, or at a big box hardware store like Home Depot.

Group of painted Santa rocks on a blue background

What kind of paint pens work best for Santa rock painting?

You can use acrylic or oil based paint markers for rock painting. Both types give excellent coverage. The oil based paint is more durable when dry, but if you’re keeping your Santa painted rocks indoors, the acrylic paint should be fine.

Painted Santa rocks on a wood background

Do I need to seal my Santa painted rocks?

You don’t have to seal your Santa stones, but it’ll help preserve the painted rocks for years to come. A sealer ensures the paint won’t chip or flake off.

Once the paint is totally dry you can brush the painted Santa rocks with Mod Podge or spray on some acrylic sealer.

DIY Santa painted rocks

These Santa painted rocks are sleigh-ing it as the cutest holiday DIY! Each jolly little Santa will have its own unique look, and they’ll be adorable lined up on a shelf, displayed in a shadow box, or tucked into stockings for a fun surprise!

Cute Santa rock painting craft

Here’s even more Santa craft ideas:

Seashell Santa

Seashell painted as Santa Claus

Popsicle Stick Santa

Three popsicle sticks decorated as Santa Claus

Paint Brush Santa

Three paint brushes decorated as Santa Claus

Our book Low-Mess Crafts for Kids is loaded with 72 fun and simple craft ideas for kids! The projects are fun, easy and most importantly low-mess, so the clean up is simple!

Low Mess Crafts for Kids Book

Where to buy:

You can purchase Low-Mess Crafts for Kids from Amazon