Skill Level
Intermediate, Advanced
Time to Make
15 mins
Adult Supervision
Tagged with:
Angels, Christmas, Festive, Nativity, Origami, Papercraft
How to Make
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
- Take a sheet of a4 paper and cut it in half so that you have a a5 size of paper.
- With the paper landscape to you, Concertina fold the paper, so you are left with a long rectangle.
- Round the ends off with scissors and snip tiny triangles along the sides as you would when making a snowflake.
- Now keeping the folds closed fold, the top of the paper down ¾ of the way to the bottom.
- Now open the concertina fold and find the centre fold and cut down from the top to the fold you just made. So that there Is a flap either side that will be the arms
- Glue the bottom of the arm to the dress and then glue or tape the back of the folds together to a point at the top.
- Take another strip of paper and roll it into a spiral for the head and stick this on top of the shape you’ve made.
- When dry dip or paint the front in glue and then sprinkle with glitter
- Add a hanging string to the back.