Skill Level


Time to Make

30 mins

Adult Supervision


Rabbit Mask
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Items you’ll also need

  • Scissors
  • Paintbrush
  • Double Sided tape/ Glue

Top Tip

Hold the plate up to your face and mark where your eyes are to get a perfect fit for the mask.

How to Make

Step 1

Rabbit Mask

Take a large paper plate and turn it over so that the light side is on top. Then cover it in a coat of white paint. Add another coat of paint if needed.

Step 2

Rabbit Mask

Once dry, cut the underneath section off of the plate, with two ‘cheek’ shapes in the centre.
Cut a triangular nose shape from a sheet of light pink paper and stick it to the plate at the bottom in the centre. Stick some white pipe cleaners either side of the nose to make the whiskers.

Step 3

Rabbit Mask

Take a sheet of white copier card and cut out two long rabbit ear shapes. Then cut out two inner ear shapes from the light pink paper and stick them to the white ears.
Stick the ears to the back of the paper plate mask at the top. Then carefully cut out the two eye holes.