Glass Bead Christmas Candle Holder

This Christmas candle holder made with glass beads is SO PRETTY and really easy to make! Glue flat glass gems to a candle holder using a glue gun to create this DIY Christmas candle holder. You can get all the supplies from the dollar store!

The candle light shining through the green, red, and clear glass beads creates such beautiful reflections on the table! Use this Christmas coloured candle holder as the centerpiece for your holiday dinner table, or place it on the mantel or side table as a festive decoration.

A candle burning and reflecting in a Christmas candle holderA candle burning and reflecting in a Christmas candle holder


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DIY Christmas Candle Holder

Make a beautiful Christmas candle holder out of flat glass beads and a glass candle holder from the dollar store!
Author: Debbie Chapman


Looking for more DIY candle holder ideas? Here’s a few of our favourites:Pressed Flower LanternsGlass Bead Candle HoldersMason Jar Leaf LanternsSnowy Mason Jars


Step 1: Find what you need

  • Gather your supplies and materials.
    Christmas Candle Holder SuppliesChristmas Candle Holder Supplies

Step 2: Add the first row of glass beads

  • Add a dot of hot glue to the back of a glass bead.
    Christmas Candle HolderChristmas Candle Holder
  • Press the glass bead onto the bottom left corner of one side of the candle holder.
    Christmas Candle HolderChristmas Candle Holder
  • Continue using hot glue to attach green, red, and clear beads in a pattern, leaving a little bit of space between each glass bead.Begin the second row with the next colour in the pattern. Line up the first glass bead in the second row with the glass bead below it.
    Christmas Candle HolderChristmas Candle Holder

Step 3: Cover the rest of the candle holder with glass beads

  • Continue adding glass beads in the green, red, clear pattern until you’ve covered the entire first side.
    Christmas Candle HolderChristmas Candle Holder
  • Flip the candle holder to the next side and start the first row with the first colour in your pattern (for us, it was green).
    Christmas Candle HolderChristmas Candle Holder
  • Continue to add glass beads with hot glue in the pattern until this side is full.Repeat the same steps and pattern on the third and fourth sides of the candle holder.
    Christmas Candle HolderChristmas Candle Holder

Step 4: Add a candle and enjoy!

  • Place a candle in your new Christmas candle holder. See our recommendations on candle size below.
    Christmas Candle HolderChristmas Candle Holder
  • Light the candle and enjoy! Your glass bead Christmas candle holder is complete.
    Christmas Candle HolderChristmas Candle Holder


  • If your candle holder is a different size than ours, you can lay out the beads before gluing them to see how the spacing will work and how many beads you can fit in each row.

Three DIY Christmas candle holders made with glass beadsThree DIY Christmas candle holders made with glass beads

What type of glass beads did you use on this Christmas candle holder?

The “beads” used on this Christmas candle holder are not typical beads with a hole in a middle. This type of glass bead is sometimes referred to as a “flat glass marble” or “flat glass gem” – the kind you often find in vases or candleholders.

They are made of glass and are sometimes referred to as “vase filler”.

Where can I buy flat glass beads?

We got our green and clear glass beads at the dollar store, and the red beads at Michaels. We recommend checking the dollar store first, since they’re a lot cheaper, but their colour selection might be limited.

Walmart, Target, and other craft stores also sell these beads, usually alongside the candle holders and vases. But you can also search Amazon for “glass beads for vases” or “flat glass marbles” for more colour choices.

Beautiful reflections on the table from candles burning in DIY glass bead candle holdersBeautiful reflections on the table from candles burning in DIY glass bead candle holders

How many glass beads did you use on your Christmas candle holder?

Each Christmas candle holder uses approximately 100 glass beads – but this will depend on the size of your glass candle holder (dimensions of ours are below). We used 36 green, 32 red, and 32 clear flat glass gems on each of ours.

What size candle holder should I use?

We used a 4 x 4 inch square glass candle holder from the dollar store. This will hold a large votive or small pillar candle with a 3 inch diameter. You can make this Christmas candle holder using any size of candle holder – you’ll just need to adjust the amount of flat glass marbles you use.

Two red, green, and clear glass bead Christmas candle holdersTwo red, green, and clear glass bead Christmas candle holders

Will real candles melt the hot glue?

As long as you use a small tea light and make sure it hasn’t slipped to one side of the candle holder the hot glue shouldn’t melt.

Don’t use more than one candle in your candle holder. (Unless they’re battery operated). If you try to squeeze in 3 or 4 tea lights the heat from the flames could cause the hot glue to melt and let go of the glass beads – and no one wants that!

What kind of candle looks best inside?

The smaller (shorter) the candle that you use, the more reflections you’ll have on your table. We recommend using a tea light so the candle light can light up all the beads on the candle holder. A small battery operated tea light would also work well.

If your candle is too tall – like the taller candle we show at the end of the tutorial above – the beads won’t glow as brightly as with a shorter tea light.

How to make a Christmas candle holderHow to make a Christmas candle holder

This Christmas candle holder is so pretty, and it’s so quick to make! It makes a thoughtful homemade gift, and a beautiful addition to your centerpiece or mantle.

Christmas candle holder with glass beadsChristmas candle holder with glass beads

Here’s even more DIY candle holder ideas:

Pressed Flower Lanterns

Pressed flower lanternsPressed flower lanterns

Glass Bead Candle Holders

Glass bead candle holderGlass bead candle holder

Mason Jar Leaf Lanterns

Mason jar leaf lanternsMason jar leaf lanterns

Snowy Mason Jars

DIY Christmas Mason JarsDIY Christmas Mason Jars

Our book Low-Mess Crafts for Kids is loaded with 72 fun and simple craft ideas for kids! The projects are fun, easy and most importantly low-mess, so the clean up is simple!

Low Mess Crafts for Kids BookLow Mess Crafts for Kids Book

Where to buy:

You can purchase Low-Mess Crafts for Kids from Amazon, or wherever books are sold:

Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |   Books- A- Million  |   Indiebound  |  Indigo  |  Amazon Canada