Three lollipop pumpkins grouped together

Lollipop Hair Pumpkin

This lollipop pumpkin is SO CUTE and it was really fun to make! Simply paint a face on a pumpkin and drill holes for its lollipop hair.

This is such a fun way to display treats for a party or if you can’t answer the door on Halloween. We used tootsie pops (our favourites!), but you can easily use another type of lollipop or even suckers!

Three lollipop pumpkins grouped together


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How to Make a Lollipop Pumpkin

This lollipop pumpkin is such a fun pumpkin decorating idea for Halloween. Make an adorable pumpkin lollipop holder in just a few easy steps!
Author: Debbie Chapman



Looking for more pumpkin decorating ideas? Here’s a few of our favourites:Painted Unicorn PumpkinGlow in the Dark PumpkinsSplatter Paint Pumpkins


Step 1: Find what you need

  • Gather all your supplies and materials.
    Lollipop Pumpkin SuppliesLollipop Pumpkin Supplies

Step 2: Paint pumpkin face

  • Use a pencil to lightly draw on your pumpkin face.
    Lollipop PumpkinLollipop Pumpkin
  • Begin by painting the eyes white and the nose and lips red. Add black accents to the mouth.
    Lollipop PumpkinLollipop Pumpkin
  • Paint a second coat on the eyes, nose, and lips (if needed).Add black pupils and eyelashes.
    Lollipop PumpkinLollipop Pumpkin
  • Now outline the lips and nose in black. You can also add adorable black freckles to the “cheeks”.Allow the paint to dry for about 30 minutes.
    Lollipop PumpkinLollipop Pumpkin

Step 3: Drill lollipop holes

  • Use a sharpie to mark where you want to drill holes on the top of the pumpkin.We made our holes 1 – 2 inches apart. Our smaller pie pumpkins had two rows of holes around the stem, while the larger pumpkin had three rows.
    Lollipop PumpkinLollipop Pumpkin
  • Drill through the pumpkin on each of the sharpie marks. We used a 9/64 drill bit but it will depend on the size of your lollipop sticks. See below for more on that.We drilled straight down for the inner holes and on an angle for the outside ring, allowing the lollipops to stick out to the side a bit.Wipe off any pumpkin “guts” that have come out.
    Lollipop PumpkinLollipop Pumpkin

Step 4: Add lollipop hair!

  • This is an optional step, but you can wrap tape around the bottom of the lollipop stick to prevent them from getting soggy.
    Lollipop PumpkinLollipop Pumpkin
  • Now insert the tootsie pops into the holes you’ve drilled.
    Lollipop PumpkinLollipop Pumpkin
  • Your lollipop hair pumpkin is complete!
    Lollipop PumpkinLollipop Pumpkin

How many lollipops do I need?

The number of lollipops you use is completely up to you! For our smaller pie pumpkins we used between 12 and 15 lollipops per pumpkin. On our large pumpkin we used 30 tootsie pops. Feel free to add more or less!

How far in advance can I make them?

You can paint your pumpkin a week in advance. But you can only drill the holes in the pumpkin and add the lollipops 1 to 2 days in advance. The longer the pumpkin sits, the more the holes in the pumpkin swell, (which makes it difficult to pull out the lollipops).

After a week, we could see mold growing on some of the lollipop sticks, so we recommend pulling out the leftover lollipops as soon as you can.

A family of four pumpkins with lollipop hairA family of four pumpkins with lollipop hair

Do I have to wrap the lollipop sticks in tape?

That’s totally up to you. It’s great if you’re leaving the lollipops in there for longer than a day, since it prevents the lollipop sticks from getting soggy.

If you have lollipops with plastic sticks or if you’re going to put the lollipops in right before the pumpkin is “served” I wouldn’t bother with the tape.

3 pumpkin lollipop holders3 pumpkin lollipop holders

What size drill bit should I use?

We used a 9/64 drill bit (3.57 mm diameter) to make the holes on our pumpkin, but this will depend on the size of your lollipop sticks (our tootsie pop sticks had a 3mm diameter). You will need to measure the sticks of your lollipops to find the right bit size.

If you don’t have the right size, you can use a slightly larger drill bit and wrap more tape around the stick. And if you don’t have a drill, you can push a large nail or screw into the pumpkin to make holes.

Collage of images showing how to make a pumpkin lollipop holderCollage of images showing how to make a pumpkin lollipop holder

Collage of a lollipop hair pumpkinCollage of a lollipop hair pumpkin

These lollipop hair pumpkins make such a cute little family! I love how these fun “treat bowls” look displayed together.

For a mess free decoration you can use year after year, try making a lollipop pumpkin on a styrofoam pumpkin!

Here’s a few pumpkin decorating craft ideas:

Painted Unicorn Pumpkin

Painted unicorn pumpkinPainted unicorn pumpkin

Splatter Paint Pumpkins

Splatter paint pumpkinsSplatter paint pumpkins

Glow in the Dark Pumpkins

Glow in the dark pumpkinsGlow in the dark pumpkins

Our book Low-Mess Crafts for Kids is loaded with 72 fun and simple craft ideas for kids! The projects are fun, easy and most importantly low-mess, so the clean up is simple!

Low Mess Crafts for Kids BookLow Mess Crafts for Kids Book

Where to buy:

You can purchase Low-Mess Crafts for Kids from Amazon, or wherever books are sold:

Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |   Books- A- Million  |   Indiebound  |  Indigo  |  Amazon Canada