Have you started listening to Christmas music yet?? I loooooove Christmas music. As soon as it starts to get cold outside I pop my favourite mixed Christmas CD into the car stereo and play it non-stop until New Years. Even if it starts to snow in October, I’m excited for the excuse to play my favourite Christmas songs!!
So this is the day I’ve been having… I didn’t bother icing this batch of our perfect sugar cookies because they taste amazing all on their own. But my 4 year old LOVES her sweets and she insisted on having icing on hers (they’re delicious with and without icing!).
These melted bead ornaments are SO MUCH FUN. I could get addicted to making these! Using simple pony beads, you can make cookie cutter shapes, beautiful free handed patterns, sun catchers, or anything you like! They almost look like little stained glass works of art. Simply beautiful!
Hello! I’m Megan and I blog over at Homemade Ginger where I post DIY projects, craft tutorials, home decor ideas and more! I’m all about creating lovely things without spending a lot of money.
Chocolate Saltine Cracker Toffee – A Sweet and Simple Christmas Treat
Easy Crafts Ideas - 0My kids love candy, but they really haven’t developed a taste for home baked goodies yet. Which KILLS me. I have all these fun recipes I want to try, but my gluten free husband won’t eat them, and my crazy kids take a bite and say “Um, mommy, that’s too sweet!” Too sweet!? You’ll eat pounds of sugar coated gummies (if I let you), but my fresh cakes, bars and cookies are too sweet!? Little weirdos.
Hello! I’m Megan and I blog over at Homemade Ginger where I love to share all about modern craft tutorials, home decor projects and the occasional recipe that make life a little more beautiful.
You know when you see an idea on Pinterest, and you get really excited, and you think to yourself, “Oh! Oh! Oh! I’ve gotta try this!”? That’s how I felt about these melted peppermint candy ornaments! I have wanted to try making them for YEARS. (Seriously, aren’t they adorable!?)
You know those packs of coloured popsicle sticks that you can buy in the craft section at the dollar store? I keep buying them. And I’ll be honest. I have NO idea what crafts I’m supposed to do with them!? I’m a pretty crafty person, but those usually leave me pretty stumped. When my kids are looking for a craft, I usually give them a few coloured popsicle sticks, pass them a bottle of glue, some pipe cleaners, pom poms and googly eyes and see what they come up with. lol We get some VERY strange looking cats and a whole lot of magic wands!
I’m Jennifer from Sugar, Spice & Glitter where I share delicious recipes, kids’ activities, and tips to help your family life well no matter what your circumstances.