Skill LevelBeginnerTime to Make15 minsAdult SupervisionYesTagged with:Winter
Skill Level
Beginner Time to Make
15 mins Adult Supervision
Yes Tagged with:
Winter AV536 AG165 AT709 FN078 AR709 Total 0.00 Items you'll also need
Cardboard tubes, Scissors, Hole punch, Tray Top Tip
Save the excess glitter by putting a sheet of paper underneath your work. This makes it easier to put the glitter back in the pot. How to Make Step 1 Begin by flattening or folding your cardboard tube so that it’s no longer circular. Step...
Skill LevelBeginnerTime to Make30 minsAdult SupervisionYesTagged with:Winter
Skill Level
Beginner Time to Make
15 mins Adult Supervision
Yes FREE Template
DOWNLOAD Tagged with:
Winter AW957 EV685 ET1501 Total 0.00 Items you'll also need
Pencil, Scissors Top Tip
You can personalise your cutlery holders with names using self-adhesive foam letters. How to Make Step 1 Begin by using the template to cut out the shapes from felt. Step 2 Create 2 slits in the white part of the penguin’s body, using the template as a guide. Step 3 Place...