Pom pom ice cream cones decorated with whipped cream, cherries, and sprinkles

Pom Pom Ice Cream Cones

These pom pom ice cream cones are SO CUTE! Make ice cream cones from construction paper and burlap. Then use your hand to make adorable ice cream scoop pom poms – no special tools required.

This sweet treat won’t melt in the summer heat, and it’s such a fun project for both kids and adults. Celebrate National Ice Cream Day (the 3rd Sunday in July!), summer, or even a birthday by making this fun and easy ice cream craft!

Pom pom ice cream cones decorated with whipped cream, cherries, and sprinkles


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How to Make a Pom Pom Ice Cream Cone

These super cute pom pom ice cream cones are SO EASY to make! This simple and colourful summer craft is fun for both kids and adults!
Author: Debbie Chapman

Looking for more pom pom crafts? Here’s a few of our favourites:Pom Pom FishHow to Make Pom Pom ChicksPom Pom Hedgehogs


Step 1: Find what you need

  • Gather your supplies and materials.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream Cones SuppliesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones Supplies

Step 2: Make the ice cream cone

  • Fold the bottom right corner of the construction paper up and left so that the bottom edge lines up with the left edge.Unfold and bring the bottom right corner up and right so that the bottom edge lines up with the right edge.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Unfold again and cut out the bottom triangle made from the fold lines.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Roll the triangle shape to make a cone (make sure there’s no gaps at the point) and hot glue it together.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Cut off the extra paper at the top of the cone, making it straight and even.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Cut a piece of burlap that’s slightly larger than the cone and hot glue it around the paper cone.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Cut off the extra burlap so it’s about 1/2 inch taller than the cone.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Add hot glue inside the paper cone and carefully press the burlap down.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones

Step 3: Make the mint chip ice cream scoop

  • Cut a piece of dark brown yarn about 12 inches long and slide it between your middle and index finger.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Wrap mint green yarn around three of your fingers 40 times. Then cut the yarn off from the ball.(Children may need to wrap the yarn around 4 of their fingers to make the same size pom pom).
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Wrap the brown yarn around your fingers 10 times, spreading it randomly over top of the green yarn.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Wrap the green yarn 40 more times and cut it. Then wrap the brown yarn 10 times, again spreading it randomly. Cut it off from the ball.Repeat again, adding more green yarn (40 more times) and brown yarn (10 more times). You should have about 150 wraps of yarn on your fingers total.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Tie the loose 12 inch piece of yarn around the wrapped yarn and then carefully slide the yarn bundle off your hand.Pull the yarn tight and tie it in a double knot around the center of the bundle.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Use sharp scissors (or fabric scissors) to cut through the loops of yarn to create a rough pom pom shape.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Give the pom pom a “haircut”, trimming and shaping it into a ball.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Continue to cut the pom pom so that it’s shaped like a diamond.The bottom should come to a point, which will make it fit easily in the cone, and the top should be flat, so that the second scoop of ice cream can sit nicely on top.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones

Step 3: Make the chocolate covered scoop of ice cream

  • Cut a piece of dark brown yarn about 12 inches long and slide it between your middle and index finger.Wrap the brown yarn around 3 of your fingers 60 times and cut it off from the ball.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Wrap the pink yarn (or whatever ice cream colour you’d like) around your 3 fingers. Start by overlapping it slightly with the brown yarn and continue towards the tips of your fingers, wrapping it 90 times before cutting it off.Again, you’ll want to wrap it about 150 times total between the two colours.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Tie the loose 12 inch piece of yarn around the yarn and then carefully slide the bundle off your hand.Pull the yarn tight and tie it in a double knot around the center of the bundle.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Cut through the loops of yarn to create a rough pom pom shape.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Trim the ends of the pom pom, shaping it to look like a round ice cream scoop.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Continue to shape the second scoop so that the pink (bottom) side is flat and the chocolate top is nicely rounded.The flat part will allow the pom pom to sit on the bottom scoop with the chocolate part on top.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones

Step 4: Add the ice cream and toppings to the cone

  • Add hot glue inside the cone and attach the bottom pom pom scoop.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Add hot glue on the top center of the bottom scoop and press the second scoop on top, holding it in place until it sticks.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Rip off part of a cottonball. Stretch and form it into a swirl of whipped cream with a hole in the center.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Glue the “whipped cream” onto the center of the top scoop and then attach a red pom pom in the center as the cherry on top.
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones
  • Your pom pom ice cream cone is complete!
    Pom Pom Ice Cream ConesPom Pom Ice Cream Cones

Helpful Tip:

  • To make a solid colour ice cream pom pom, follow the instructions above, except wrap one colour of yarn around three of your fingers 150 times.

DIY pom pom ice cream cone craftDIY pom pom ice cream cone craft

Do pom poms stick with glue?

We used hot glue to connect our pom poms to each other, and to the ice cream cone, and it worked really well! You could also use white school glue or tacky glue, but you’ll need a way to hold everything together and keep it stable until the glue dries.

Closeup of a hand holding an ice cream cone pom pomCloseup of a hand holding an ice cream cone pom pom

What yarn is best for making a pom pom ice cream cone?

We used a medium weight acrylic yarn (Craft Smart yarn from Michaels) and it worked really well! Acrylic yarn is nice for making pom poms because it doesn’t split at the end like cotton yarn does.

Chunky yarn is also a great option for making pom poms, because you only have to wrap the yarn around your fingers half as many times!

What size are these pom pom ice cream cones?

Our pom pom ice cream cones are about 8 inches tall and the widest part has a 2-1/2 inch diameter.

Holding two colourful pom pom ice cream craftsHolding two colourful pom pom ice cream crafts

How else can I decorate my ice cream pom pom?

Add sprinkles to your ice cream scoop pom pom by adding mini pom poms, sequins, rhinestones, or even foam balls (the kind used in slime)!

What can I do with this ice cream craft?

Use the ice cream cone pom poms for storytime or pretend play, or turn them into decorations for an ice cream social or ice cream themed party. You can even attach them to a garland. So cute!

How to make pom pom ice cream conesHow to make pom pom ice cream cones

Anytime is a good time for ice cream, but this is an especially fun summer craft. Keep the kids busy over summer break and let them create their favourite flavours of ice cream out of yarn!

Cute pom pom ice cream conesCute pom pom ice cream cones

Here’s even more pom pom craft ideas:

Pom Pom Fish

Fish pom pomFish pom pom

How to Make Pom Pom Penguins

Pom pom penguinsPom pom penguins

Pom Pom Bunny

Pom pom bunniesPom pom bunnies

Our book Low-Mess Crafts for Kids is loaded with 72 fun and simple craft ideas for kids! The projects are fun, easy and most importantly low-mess, so the clean up is simple!

Low Mess Crafts for Kids BookLow Mess Crafts for Kids Book

Where to buy:

You can purchase Low-Mess Crafts for Kids from Amazon, or wherever books are sold:

Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |  Books-A-Million  |  Indiebound  |  Amazon Canada